Dunlap Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrades

Award-Winning Upgrades to Existing Sewer Treatment Plant

The Dunlap sewer treatment plant was first constructed in 1968, with modifications made in 1976 and 1987. Although it was still operating under permitted capacity, the City knew upgrades needed to be reviewed as the aging plant continued to deteriorate. Prior to Croy’s updates, the plant consisted of an influent pump station, flow splitter box, three aeration basins, clarifier splitter box, two clarifiers, a chlorine contact chamber, sludge pumping station, and aerobic digester. The plant also has a solids centrifuge with periodically used sludge drying beds.

Croy provided all engineering design services, including preparing a Preliminary Engineering Report used to secure funding from the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), developing design plans and specifications used for construction bidding, obtaining all required permits, and providing bidding phase services. Croy also completed the construction administration and inspection services for the upgrades.

Upgrades to the sewer treatment plant include a new headworks system to remove rags and debris, re-routed plant piping, and rehabilitated clarifiers. Additionally, the existing operations building was demolished and replaced with a larger operations building equipped with a new lab, office area, and break room.

Project Details


Dunlap, Tennessee

Project Highlights

  • New headworks system
  • Re-routed plant piping
  • Rehabilitated clarifiers
  • Existing operations building demolished and replaced with a larger operations building


  • ACEC Tennessee Engineering Excellence Honor Award

Capabilities Provided

EnvironmentalMunicipal UtilitiesSurveying

Project Photos

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