Hiram Sewer Lift Station

Engineering Study and Sewer Lift Station Design Bring Increased Service to Downtown Area

Croy was commissioned by Paulding County Water System to provide an engineering study and sewer lift station design for the City of Hiram’s downtown sewer service area. The City of Hiram and the downtown sewer service area have been serviced by both individual home septic tank systems and a single community septic tank system for the main business area and City Hall complex. These systems were experiencing increasing problems with providing adequate and safe sewer treatment. A consensus was reached between the City and the County to build a first-phase gravity collector system with a sewer lift station that would be capable of serving the entire 425-acre sewer basin area. After studying multiple routings for the sewer force-main and lift station, as well as preparing an approved concept, Croy prepared final design and construction plans that were approved by Georgia EPD and the Paulding County Water System.

Croy provided assistance to the County on all construction phase services. The construction of this facility was successfully bid, construction monitoring was performed, and the station and appurtenant structures accepted for operations by the County, all within the original construction budget for the project.

Project Details


Hiram, Georgia

Project Highlights

  • Serves an entire 425-acre sewer basin area
  • Design approved by Georgia EPD
  • Completed within original budget

Capabilities Provided

EnvironmentalMunicipal Utilities

Project Photos

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