Study Sets Direction for City While Supporting Quality Transportation and Mobility
Croy led the consultant team to update the Huntsville Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP). The Plan Update, known as TRiP2045, serves as a guide for future transportation investments in the Huntsville Area MPO, setting the direction for the jurisdictions’ staff and officials while supporting quality transportation and mobility. This edition of the LRTP marked a major departure from previous versions to perform a complete structural and cosmetic overhaul to make the document user friendly and visually appealing.
To assist in the LRTP presentation, Croy prepared a number of color palettes for selection by the MPO Project Manager and graphics representing planning goals as articulated in the FAST Act and MAP 21 federal transportation programs. In addition, Croy prepared a presentation that was made to the Jurisdiction Engineers and Leadership (JEL) meeting, and developed a questionnaire for attendees to help understand the multi-modal projects to be considered for the LRTP and satisfy federal requirements.
The update also included travel demand modelling refinements that brought existing travel and development conditions data from the current year and extended future projections to 2045. The document will also serve as a tool for re-prioritizing projects and programs, as well as identifying funding based on anticipated growth. In addition, study efforts explored new and innovative strategies to address deficiencies and expand travel opportunities countywide. The study was officially adopted by the Huntsville MPO in April 2020.
Click here to view the final TRiP2045 Long-Range Transportation Plan
Project Details
Huntsville, Alabama
Project Highlights
- Serves as a guide for future transportation investments
- Update includes a complete structural and cosmetic overhaul
- Officially adopted by the Huntsville MPO in 2020
Capabilities Provided