GEFA-Funded Project Supports New Residential Subdivisions with Reuse Water Infrastructure
Paulding County designated the Pumpkinvine Creek drainage area service boundary to be an Urban Water Reuse district. Several residential subdivisions have been developed in this area with reuse water infrastructure installed. Paulding commissioned Croy to design and develop construction plans for a Reuse Water Booster Pump Station at the Pumpkinvine WRF.
This GEFA-funded project involved the augmentation of the Master Reuse Water Model to model the Phase I coverage area. Our Croy team then developed a design report for the Phase I booster pump station layout, which was submitted to the County’s Water System.
In addition, the project involved the development of construction plans for piping layout for approval by the Environmental Protection Division (EPD). The plans consisted of a 20 by 20 by 20-foot poured-in-place concrete wet wall, a 20-inch diameter tie-in to the WRF discharge piping, and a 20-inch diameter discharge pipe. The project also included a pump station header system containing two 75-horsepower vertical turbine jockey pumps, two 200-horsepower vertical turbine main pumps, and provisions on the header system for future expansion. Our Croy team then led the installation of the following features:
- A motor control center
- A metering and surge anticipation / suppression valve vault
- 1,200 linear feet of discharge piping and forcemain tie-in
- 1,100 linear feet of 12-inch diameter reuse water supply piping within the
WRF for future expansion of the booster pump station
Project Details
Paulding County, Georgia
Project Highlights
- GEFA-funded project
- Installation of a pump station header system
- Design report for the Phase I booster pump station layout
Capabilities Provided